Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    Defining some details of Jo's outfit. I'm still not sure about how to cover her head and hair under the hood. She is not exactly a nun cause I'm not representing a specific religion in that story. She is more like a wandering nurse.

    Defining some details of Jo's outfit.
I'm still not sure about how to cover her head and hair under the hood.
She is not exactly a nun cause I'm not representing a specific religion in that story. She is more like a wandering nurse.
    Defining some details of Jo's outfit.
I'm still not sure about how to cover her head and hair under the hood.
She is not exactly a nun cause I'm not representing a specific religion in that story. She is more like a wandering nurse.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    The other is the opposite. Another helpful advice is to get inspiration from real people. It can be from their appearance to their style or personality. You can even use animals for that and you don't have to draw them exactly as the real people.

    The other is the opposite.
Another helpful advice is to get inspiration from real people. It can be from their appearance to their style or personality. You can even use animals for that and you don't have to draw them exactly as the real people.
    The other is the opposite.
Another helpful advice is to get inspiration from real people. It can be from their appearance to their style or personality. You can even use animals for that and you don't have to draw them exactly as the real people.
    The other is the opposite.
Another helpful advice is to get inspiration from real people. It can be from their appearance to their style or personality. You can even use animals for that and you don't have to draw them exactly as the real people.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    No estaré yo usando la madre de Brian de referencia… La cara se va a quedar así.

    No estaré yo usando la madre de Brian de referencia…
La cara se va a quedar así.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

    More sketches of these.

    More sketches of these.
    More sketches of these.
    More sketches of these.
    Beatriz Rebollo Art@BeatrizRebolloM

