Mike Franchina@mikefranchina_

    Gimme a metabarons anime

    Gimme a metabarons anime
    Mike Franchina@mikefranchina_

    heretic heavy weapons guy. i think thsi is the 9th iteration? brought the codpiece back, added boob armor lmao

    heretic heavy weapons guy.  i think thsi is the 9th iteration?  brought the codpiece back, added boob armor lmao
    Mike Franchina@mikefranchina_

    all the art in the story mission stuff was great, but this cool skull helm really is amazing

    all the art in the story mission stuff was great, but this cool skull helm really is amazing
    Mike Franchina@mikefranchina_

    Franciszek Starowieyski

    Franciszek Starowieyski
    Mike Franchina@mikefranchina_

    anyone know what artist made this drawing/engraving? cant really find any info on it beyond "Niva magazine, brendamur engraver" but then it looks like its signed "Beppos"

    anyone know what artist made  this drawing/engraving? cant really find any info on it beyond "Niva magazine, brendamur engraver"  but then it looks like its signed "Beppos"