Vin 🐟@vinxin_

    More #chilumi and also #scaramona

    More #chilumi and also #scaramona
    More #chilumi and also #scaramona
    More #chilumi and also #scaramona
    More #chilumi and also #scaramona
    Vin 🐟@vinxin_

    Studying for exam? Haha lumine please focus. #ChilumiWeek2021 #genshinimpact #chilumi

    Studying for exam? Haha lumine please focus.

#genshinimpact #chilumi
    Vin 🐟@vinxin_

    Chilumi week day 2 : fatui #ChilumiWeek2021 #chilumi

    Chilumi week day 2 : fatui
#ChilumiWeek2021 #chilumi
    Vin 🐟@vinxin_

    Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️ Looks like lumine won't be celebrating this year Valentine alone hehe #ChilumiWeek2021 #genshinimpact #chilumi

    Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️
Looks like lumine won't be celebrating this year Valentine alone hehe 
#genshinimpact #chilumi
    Vin 🐟@vinxin_

    Day 5 : modern Lumine probably only have hoodies and t-shirts in her wardrobe so she let childe dress her up for their dinner date haha #ChilumiWeek2021 #chilumi #GenshinImpact

    Day 5 : modern
Lumine probably only have hoodies and t-shirts in her wardrobe so she let childe dress her up for their dinner date haha 
#chilumi #GenshinImpact