Anyone wondered why the Lion Helm have built-in force field generator? #warhammer40k #warhammer #warhammer40000 #darkangels
When your tech illiterate dad ask you to "turn off these flashing tabs" and you proceed to discover a whole hivefleet worth of Trojan, vulnerability, trash and malware.
2020 End of Year summary. Realized I spent an ALARMING amount of time on drawing memes lol
Magic is heresy
Happy Halloween
"Taunting" #warhammer40k #kairos #tzeentch
"Your thoughts on the Codex?" #warhammer40k #warhammer #meme #codexastartes
Mom can I keep them? #少女前線 #ドルフロ #GirlsFrontline #소녀전선 #RO635 #SOPPO
My man hers having an existential crisis #kronillust #kroniijokes #OuroKronii #ほしまちぎゃらりー #星街すいせい #かなたーと #天音かなた
This entire day summed up in one horribly inappropriate sketch