
    Another inktober - Fan art of Tsubaki-cho Lonely Planet! ❤️ Thank you so much @mika_yamamori sensei for making this beautiful manga! 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💕 #inktober #tsubakichoulonelyplanet

    Another inktober - Fan art of Tsubaki-cho Lonely Planet! ❤️
Thank you so much @mika_yamamori sensei for making this beautiful manga! 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💕

#inktober #tsubakichoulonelyplanet

    Lagi menelaah diri & kepikiran hal ini - style gambarku manga, tapi kalau liat art yg terlalu jepang & wibu suka lieur. Suka kartun USA, tapi ga ahli gambar ala kartun USA. Ga masuk dlm fandom apapun, korea2an yg lagi hype bnget pun aq biasa sajah. Aku ini.. apa? #galau

    Lagi menelaah diri & kepikiran hal ini - style gambarku manga, tapi kalau liat art yg terlalu jepang & wibu suka lieur. Suka kartun USA, tapi ga ahli gambar ala kartun USA.
Ga masuk dlm fandom apapun, korea2an yg lagi hype bnget pun aq biasa sajah.
Aku ini.. apa? #galau

    Edisi nostalgia! Ya ampun Mas Kulin ini kok lembut dan shojo banget yah? Wkwkwk I think every illustrator have their own unique way to interpret characters tho ✨ as for me back then, i interpreted Kulin as cowo ganteng polos nan baik hati, tapi juga bodoh dan bloon2 gitu..

    Edisi nostalgia!
Ya ampun Mas Kulin ini kok lembut dan shojo banget yah? Wkwkwk
I think every illustrator have their own unique way to interpret characters tho ✨ as for me back then, i interpreted Kulin as cowo ganteng polos nan baik hati, tapi juga bodoh dan bloon2 gitu..

    Hana is getting ready to appear on screen on the next episode of Kyun and Hana 🌼 #kyunandhana #WebtoonCanvas #manga #doodle

    Hana is getting ready to appear on screen on the next episode of Kyun and Hana 🌼
#kyunandhana #WebtoonCanvas #manga #doodle

    My work table is crowded 😹

    My work table is crowded 😹

