
    THE IMPORTANCE OF A BACKGROUND ✨ Aku mau share knowledge sedikit yaa Jdi dulu setelah selesai Terlalu Tampan, aku memutuskan buat rehat ngomik bentar sambil intern + nyiapin karya buat ikut comico challenge 2. Di masa2 itu, aku mempelajari sesuatu yg game changer banget ✨


Aku mau share knowledge sedikit yaa

Jdi dulu setelah selesai Terlalu Tampan, aku memutuskan buat rehat ngomik bentar sambil intern + nyiapin karya buat ikut comico challenge 2.
Di masa2 itu, aku mempelajari sesuatu yg game changer banget ✨

Aku mau share knowledge sedikit yaa

Jdi dulu setelah selesai Terlalu Tampan, aku memutuskan buat rehat ngomik bentar sambil intern + nyiapin karya buat ikut comico challenge 2.
Di masa2 itu, aku mempelajari sesuatu yg game changer banget ✨

Aku mau share knowledge sedikit yaa

Jdi dulu setelah selesai Terlalu Tampan, aku memutuskan buat rehat ngomik bentar sambil intern + nyiapin karya buat ikut comico challenge 2.
Di masa2 itu, aku mempelajari sesuatu yg game changer banget ✨

    Aku discover hal ini wktu aku mau ikutan lomba comico, pas aku observasi bbrapa webtoon. Salah satunya, Kakao 79% yg trbit di comico. Aku wonder, gmbar dia cukup sderhana tpi kok ambiencenya dapet banget? (Credit to Umi Aoi ✨)

    Aku discover hal ini wktu aku mau ikutan lomba comico, pas aku observasi bbrapa webtoon. Salah satunya, Kakao 79% yg trbit di comico.

Aku wonder, gmbar dia cukup sderhana tpi kok ambiencenya dapet banget?

(Credit to Umi Aoi ✨)

    Daan another amazing webtoon yg harus kalian consider untuk pelajari: https://t.co/A2zXGMirZ6 Ini PARAH BAGUSNYA, berasa nonton film pas baca webtoon ini. And see, ga ada satu pun panel yg ga dipakein BG disini 😂😂 Ambiencenya pun dapet banget, bung! (Credit to Na Yoonhee)

    Daan another amazing webtoon yg harus kalian consider untuk pelajari:

Ini PARAH BAGUSNYA, berasa nonton film pas baca webtoon ini. And see, ga ada satu pun panel yg ga dipakein BG disini 😂😂

Ambiencenya pun dapet banget, bung!
(Credit to Na Yoonhee)
    Daan another amazing webtoon yg harus kalian consider untuk pelajari:

Ini PARAH BAGUSNYA, berasa nonton film pas baca webtoon ini. And see, ga ada satu pun panel yg ga dipakein BG disini 😂😂

Ambiencenya pun dapet banget, bung!
(Credit to Na Yoonhee)
    Daan another amazing webtoon yg harus kalian consider untuk pelajari:

Ini PARAH BAGUSNYA, berasa nonton film pas baca webtoon ini. And see, ga ada satu pun panel yg ga dipakein BG disini 😂😂

Ambiencenya pun dapet banget, bung!
(Credit to Na Yoonhee)

    Can you guess the movie? Clue: it's a series that also available on netflix 😂 Dang it, i watched it just because i was bored & now this movie ruin my sleep schedule so badly 😂 And i usually don't watch this type of series but now look, i'm making comic out of it 😂 Dang it!😂

    Can you guess the movie?
Clue: it's a series that also available on netflix 😂

Dang it, i watched it just because i was bored & now this movie ruin my sleep schedule so badly 😂

And i usually don't watch this type of series but now look, i'm making comic out of it 😂
Dang it!😂
    Can you guess the movie?
Clue: it's a series that also available on netflix 😂

Dang it, i watched it just because i was bored & now this movie ruin my sleep schedule so badly 😂

And i usually don't watch this type of series but now look, i'm making comic out of it 😂
Dang it!😂
    Can you guess the movie?
Clue: it's a series that also available on netflix 😂

Dang it, i watched it just because i was bored & now this movie ruin my sleep schedule so badly 😂

And i usually don't watch this type of series but now look, i'm making comic out of it 😂
Dang it!😂
    Can you guess the movie?
Clue: it's a series that also available on netflix 😂

Dang it, i watched it just because i was bored & now this movie ruin my sleep schedule so badly 😂

And i usually don't watch this type of series but now look, i'm making comic out of it 😂
Dang it!😂

    Just a little personal tips for people who are having a hard time finding mask (like me). And for those selfish people - one way ticket to hell, there's where ur money will take you. Now is a very good time to repent, man - before it's too late. 🔥

    Just a little personal tips for people who are having a hard time finding mask (like me).

And for those selfish people - one way ticket to hell, there's where ur money will take you.

Now is a very good time to repent, man - before it's too late. 🔥
    Just a little personal tips for people who are having a hard time finding mask (like me).

And for those selfish people - one way ticket to hell, there's where ur money will take you.

Now is a very good time to repent, man - before it's too late. 🔥
    Just a little personal tips for people who are having a hard time finding mask (like me).

And for those selfish people - one way ticket to hell, there's where ur money will take you.

Now is a very good time to repent, man - before it's too late. 🔥
    Just a little personal tips for people who are having a hard time finding mask (like me).

And for those selfish people - one way ticket to hell, there's where ur money will take you.

Now is a very good time to repent, man - before it's too late. 🔥

