
    If you see this tweet, quote with your artworks! ✨ *scrolling through my gallery and randomly pick these artworks 😂* https://t.co/bSnroQfjNP

    If you see this tweet, quote with your artworks! ✨

*scrolling through my gallery and randomly pick these artworks 😂* https://t.co/bSnroQfjNP
    If you see this tweet, quote with your artworks! ✨

*scrolling through my gallery and randomly pick these artworks 😂* https://t.co/bSnroQfjNP
    If you see this tweet, quote with your artworks! ✨

*scrolling through my gallery and randomly pick these artworks 😂* https://t.co/bSnroQfjNP
    If you see this tweet, quote with your artworks! ✨

*scrolling through my gallery and randomly pick these artworks 😂* https://t.co/bSnroQfjNP

    Yuhuuu "Isekai Lagi!?" is back! Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?" 1 of 2 🐥🐥 https://t.co/Tsdq7Zaj2p

    Yuhuuu "Isekai Lagi!?" is back!

Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

1 of 2 🐥🐥 https://t.co/Tsdq7Zaj2p
    Yuhuuu "Isekai Lagi!?" is back!

Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

1 of 2 🐥🐥 https://t.co/Tsdq7Zaj2p
    Yuhuuu "Isekai Lagi!?" is back!

Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

1 of 2 🐥🐥 https://t.co/Tsdq7Zaj2p
    Yuhuuu "Isekai Lagi!?" is back!

Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

1 of 2 🐥🐥 https://t.co/Tsdq7Zaj2p

    Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?" 2 of 2 🐥🐥 (Repost karna tadi salah dialog 😭) Putri salju minta berlian ke kurcaci? Buat apa? Tunggu di part berikutnya yaa! 😂😂

    Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

2 of 2 🐥🐥

(Repost karna tadi salah dialog 😭)

Putri salju minta berlian ke kurcaci? Buat apa?

Tunggu di part berikutnya yaa! 😂😂
    Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

2 of 2 🐥🐥

(Repost karna tadi salah dialog 😭)

Putri salju minta berlian ke kurcaci? Buat apa?

Tunggu di part berikutnya yaa! 😂😂
    Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

2 of 2 🐥🐥

(Repost karna tadi salah dialog 😭)

Putri salju minta berlian ke kurcaci? Buat apa?

Tunggu di part berikutnya yaa! 😂😂
    Part 3 of "Isekai Lagi!?"

2 of 2 🐥🐥

(Repost karna tadi salah dialog 😭)

Putri salju minta berlian ke kurcaci? Buat apa?

Tunggu di part berikutnya yaa! 😂😂

    Another anatomy study (lgi2 ref pose dri pinterest) Cara ku belajar: 1. Cari ref pose (ku lebi suka pk manusia beneran) 2. Coba croquis dulu 3. Tracing ref pose, supya tau kesalahan croquis dmna 4. Benerin croquis yg awal brdasarkan apa yg didapet Aga lama but it works for me 👍🏻

    Another anatomy study (lgi2 ref pose dri pinterest)

Cara ku belajar:
1. Cari ref pose (ku lebi suka pk manusia beneran)
2. Coba croquis dulu
3. Tracing ref pose, supya tau kesalahan croquis dmna
4. Benerin croquis yg awal brdasarkan apa yg didapet
Aga lama but it works for me 👍🏻

    My family/friends in whatsapp group every time there's a news update about corona virus 👇🏻👇🏻 #wip #realdialoguesbtw

    My family/friends in whatsapp group every time there's a news update about corona virus 👇🏻👇🏻

#wip #realdialoguesbtw
    My family/friends in whatsapp group every time there's a news update about corona virus 👇🏻👇🏻

#wip #realdialoguesbtw

