@j3514_ #3 Vroom!

    @j3514_ #3 Vroom!

    i still really prefer the shapes for the types instead of other symbols tbh, helps keeping it simple. Also made the symbols for the effects/traits. Whenever i finish conceptualizing i'll probably release a .psd or a .clip file for those of you who want to make cards.

    i still really prefer the shapes for the types instead of other symbols tbh, helps keeping it simple.
Also made the symbols for the effects/traits.
Whenever i finish conceptualizing i'll probably release a .psd or a .clip file for those of you who want to make cards.
    i still really prefer the shapes for the types instead of other symbols tbh, helps keeping it simple.
Also made the symbols for the effects/traits.
Whenever i finish conceptualizing i'll probably release a .psd or a .clip file for those of you who want to make cards.
    i still really prefer the shapes for the types instead of other symbols tbh, helps keeping it simple.
Also made the symbols for the effects/traits.
Whenever i finish conceptualizing i'll probably release a .psd or a .clip file for those of you who want to make cards.
    i still really prefer the shapes for the types instead of other symbols tbh, helps keeping it simple.
Also made the symbols for the effects/traits.
Whenever i finish conceptualizing i'll probably release a .psd or a .clip file for those of you who want to make cards.

    Thanks for all your support during 2021! Here's most of the commissions im pretty sure i didn't post that i finished during the ladder half of 2021/ Jan 2022! Will reopen soon!!!

    Thanks for all your support during 2021!
Here's most of the commissions im pretty sure i didn't post that i finished during the ladder half of 2021/ Jan 2022! Will reopen soon!!!

    Mayne doodles from between breaks because some people still remember her for some reason

    Mayne doodles from between breaks because some people still remember her for some reason

    (2/3)This is why in the one shot her powers are reality breaking, Niji and Mayne are childhood friends and have a little bit of romantic tension to them. This power doesn't work if she tries to force a friendship though, and it is weaker depending on how long she has known them.

    (2/3)This is why in the one shot her powers are reality breaking, Niji and Mayne are childhood friends and have a little bit of romantic tension to them. This power doesn't work if she tries to force a friendship though, and it is weaker depending on how long she has known them.