☠️ HAPPY ☠️@happyroadkill

    ☠️ HAPPY ☠️@happyroadkill

    turtle comp technically my only original mascot and subsequently the most tragic one. he doesn't really represent the green party as much as green politics in general.

    turtle comp

technically my only original mascot and subsequently the most tragic one. he doesn't really represent the green party as much as green politics in general.
    turtle comp

technically my only original mascot and subsequently the most tragic one. he doesn't really represent the green party as much as green politics in general.
    turtle comp

technically my only original mascot and subsequently the most tragic one. he doesn't really represent the green party as much as green politics in general.
    turtle comp

technically my only original mascot and subsequently the most tragic one. he doesn't really represent the green party as much as green politics in general.
    ☠️ HAPPY ☠️@happyroadkill

    ☠️ HAPPY ☠️@happyroadkill

    reply or QRT with your most popular drawing a comic that tapped into a very niche yet powerful solidarity https://t.co/yrHPInUvOa

    reply or QRT with your most popular drawing

a comic that tapped into a very niche yet powerful solidarity https://t.co/yrHPInUvOa
    ☠️ HAPPY ☠️@happyroadkill
