
    she's literally unwell

    she's literally unwell

    it only took the writers so long to **reiterate that lorna is eriks daughter bc misogyny #trust she was the first to be claimed

    it only took the writers so long to **reiterate that lorna is eriks daughter bc   misogyny #trust she was the first to be claimed

    i'm trying to understand how you wreak all that havoc bc your children were taken from you then they magically comeback and you don't speak to them???

    i'm trying to understand how you wreak all that havoc bc your children were taken from you then they magically comeback and you don't speak to them???

    it's gives me a buzz a certain jennasayqwa

    it's gives me a buzz a certain jennasayqwa
    it's gives me a buzz a certain jennasayqwa
    it's gives me a buzz a certain jennasayqwa

    why i feel like lorna gon say sumn like this to jeanette 😭

    why i feel like lorna gon say sumn like this to jeanette 😭
    why i feel like lorna gon say sumn like this to jeanette 😭