Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    Kny spoilers Everyone: woah we didn't die Also everyone: let's try again

    Kny spoilers 
Everyone: woah we didn't die 

Also everyone: let's try again
    Kny spoilers 
Everyone: woah we didn't die 

Also everyone: let's try again
    Kny spoilers 
Everyone: woah we didn't die 

Also everyone: let's try again
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    Also Tamayo being a queen as per usual

    Also Tamayo being a queen as per usual
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    They were really until lice guy just vibin decided to join the server

    They were really             until lice guy 
  just vibin                     decided to join
                                            the server
    They were really             until lice guy 
  just vibin                     decided to join
                                            the server
    They were really             until lice guy 
  just vibin                     decided to join
                                            the server
    They were really             until lice guy 
  just vibin                     decided to join
                                            the server
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    I love how right as douma was dying and about to give his "sad" backstory to try to sympathize with the readers, he gets canceled by Shinobu like "nah b" lmaoo

    I love how right as douma was dying and about to give his "sad" backstory to try to sympathize with the readers, he gets canceled by Shinobu like "nah b" lmaoo
    I love how right as douma was dying and about to give his "sad" backstory to try to sympathize with the readers, he gets canceled by Shinobu like "nah b" lmaoo
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    I have the biggest respect for the existence of InoAoi for being such a popular ship despite having like 3 canon moments While I'm over here salty that Inokana doesn't get the same love despite having all of these canon moments like wut lmaoo

    I have the biggest respect for the existence of InoAoi for being such a popular ship despite having like 3 canon moments

While I'm over here salty that Inokana doesn't get the same love despite having all of these canon moments like wut lmaoo
    I have the biggest respect for the existence of InoAoi for being such a popular ship despite having like 3 canon moments

While I'm over here salty that Inokana doesn't get the same love despite having all of these canon moments like wut lmaoo

