Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    The homie Yushiro and Tamayo really deserved better Truly the purest of the demons

    The homie Yushiro and Tamayo really deserved better 

Truly the purest of the demons
    The homie Yushiro and Tamayo really deserved better 

Truly the purest of the demons
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    I get serotonin when I see Diamond actually make Platinum laugh Commonershipping clears my skin

    I get serotonin when I see Diamond actually make Platinum laugh 

Commonershipping clears my skin
    I get serotonin when I see Diamond actually make Platinum laugh 

Commonershipping clears my skin
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    Trunks is the biggest simp to milfs I ever met, dude is dating a chick that's actually older than his mom What a champ

    Trunks is the biggest simp to milfs I ever met, dude is dating a chick that's actually older than his mom 

What a champ
    Trunks is the biggest simp to milfs I ever met, dude is dating a chick that's actually older than his mom 

What a champ
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    Me reading the Kny light novel and seeing Inosuke find Kiyo's hair pin for Kanao while apologizing to each other and then getting flashbacks of them bandaging each other after losing shinobu

    Me reading the Kny light novel and seeing Inosuke find Kiyo's hair pin for Kanao while apologizing to each other and then getting flashbacks of them bandaging each other after losing shinobu
    Zay 🩸@ZaysArtz

    Inokana caught a massive W today as they should

    Inokana caught a massive W today 
as they should


