— nikki ☆ミ@seeyounextcrime

    @LESBIANCOVEN nikki she/they !!

    @LESBIANCOVEN nikki she/they !!
    — nikki ☆ミ@seeyounextcrime

    Im looking so hard at this cs storyboard artists post rn

    Im looking so hard at this cs storyboard artists post rn
    Im looking so hard at this cs storyboard artists post rn
    — nikki ☆ミ@seeyounextcrime

    //tw lil bit of robot blood I went through old sketchbooks yesterday so here's some old Nikki art ? ft ocs and dbh sketch page

    //tw lil bit of robot blood

I went through old sketchbooks yesterday so here's some old Nikki art ? ft ocs and dbh sketch page
    //tw lil bit of robot blood

I went through old sketchbooks yesterday so here's some old Nikki art ? ft ocs and dbh sketch page
    //tw lil bit of robot blood

I went through old sketchbooks yesterday so here's some old Nikki art ? ft ocs and dbh sketch page
    — nikki ☆ミ@seeyounextcrime

    I saw this yesterday so judge/make assumptions about me based on my top four kins!!

    I saw this yesterday so judge/make assumptions about me based on my top four kins!!
    I saw this yesterday so judge/make assumptions about me based on my top four kins!!
    I saw this yesterday so judge/make assumptions about me based on my top four kins!!
    I saw this yesterday so judge/make assumptions about me based on my top four kins!!
    — nikki ☆ミ@seeyounextcrime

    yeah uh-- idk American geography

    yeah uh-- idk American geography

