Friends don't let you work for 8h hours without break

    Friends don't let you work for 8h hours without break

    When ADHD isn't a lack of focus, but an unhealthy surplus of it (1/2 - pages 4+5 in comments)

    When ADHD isn't a lack of focus, but an unhealthy surplus of it 

(1/2 - pages 4+5 in comments)
    When ADHD isn't a lack of focus, but an unhealthy surplus of it 

(1/2 - pages 4+5 in comments)
    When ADHD isn't a lack of focus, but an unhealthy surplus of it 

(1/2 - pages 4+5 in comments)



    ✨The ADHD Comic Invasion BEGINS!! ✨ Later today, Ira will post the first comic for our #adhdawarenessmonth event! 16 artists have created Comics to tell their own stories and share their experiences with ADHD❤️! (handle in comment) #adhdinvasion

    ✨The ADHD Comic Invasion BEGINS!! ✨

Later today, Ira will post the first comic for our #adhdawarenessmonth event!

16 artists have created Comics to tell their own stories and share their experiences with ADHD❤️!
(handle in comment)

    ?If you're struggling with ADHD + Memory issues, you'll really want to have a peek at the second #ADHDinvasion comic that will be posted by Jazine later today! (handle in comment)

    ?If you're struggling with ADHD + Memory issues, you'll really want to have a peek at the second #ADHDinvasion comic that will be posted by Jazine later today!
(handle in comment)

