Woo!! I'm participating in Hourly Comic Day! Follow me through my day as I try to get anything done with ADHD....and draw hourly comics all day. #hourlycomicday #hourlycomicday2021

    Woo!! I'm participating in Hourly Comic Day! Follow me through my day as I try to get anything done with ADHD....and draw hourly comics all day. 
#hourlycomicday #hourlycomicday2021

    These comics really are an all-day job, I haven't even gotten to breakfast yet hhh. #hourlycomicday TW: weighing, weight

    These comics really are an all-day job, I haven't even gotten to breakfast yet hhh.

TW: weighing, weight

    I need aaaaages in the morning to become somehow awake, and usually much longer to even start eating. #hourlycomicday #hourlycomicday2021

    I need aaaaages in the morning to become somehow awake, and usually much longer to even start eating. 
#hourlycomicday #hourlycomicday2021

    Sometimes, you really want to concentrate and get work done, but.... Me today at the start of work... #hourlycomicday

    Sometimes, you really want to concentrate and get work done, but....

Me today at the start of work... #hourlycomicday

    My life goals VS ADHD & Executive Dysfunction. Or: not knowing what you want from life because if you'd want it you'd do it...right?

    My life goals VS ADHD & Executive Dysfunction. Or: not knowing what you want from life because if you'd want it you'd do it...right?
    My life goals VS ADHD & Executive Dysfunction. Or: not knowing what you want from life because if you'd want it you'd do it...right?
    My life goals VS ADHD & Executive Dysfunction. Or: not knowing what you want from life because if you'd want it you'd do it...right?

