So, I just had a realization. I always thought all focus is good focus, but I noticed that when I have issues focusing, I end up focusing on the easiest, most readily available thing. I might feel good about being able to focus on *something*, but in the end, I don`t progress.

    So, I just had a realization. I always thought all focus is good focus, but I noticed that when I have issues focusing, I end up focusing on the easiest, most readily available thing. I might feel good about being able to focus on *something*, but in the end, I don`t progress.

    Working on the latest chapter for the book and it's so much fun I wish there were more hours in the day. I've written and drawn some of my best ADHD symptom explanations up to date and I'm quite proud! I really can't wait for ya'll to read the book 🥲 (very early, rough sketches)

    Working on the latest chapter for the book and it's so much fun I wish there were more hours in the day. I've written and drawn some of my best ADHD symptom explanations up to date and I'm quite proud! I really can't wait for ya'll to read the book 🥲
(very early, rough sketches)

    I just remembered getting the `advice' to not tell anyone ever that I have ADHD, including friends and other family, several times by different people. It's kind of weird when someone tells you "I shouldn't be knowing that about you" when it's a big part of my life.

    I just remembered getting the `advice' to not tell anyone ever that I have ADHD, including friends and other family, several times by different people. 

It's kind of weird when someone tells you "I shouldn't be knowing that about you" when it's a big part of my life.

    Update the day later: Panicked for a minute here but remembered it's supposed to be two hands, phew

    Update the day later: 
Panicked for a minute here but remembered it's supposed to be two hands, phew

    Really cutting it close with some sketches here...

    Really cutting it close with some sketches here...

