
    i internalized those comments, it made me feel like i was broken and needed to be fixed that my stimming or fidgeting movements needed to stop, that i was lazy, that i was unmotivated, that i needed to show more emotion, i tried, i really did

    i internalized those comments, it made me feel like i was broken and needed to be fixed
that my stimming or fidgeting movements needed to stop, that i was lazy, that i was unmotivated, that i needed to show more emotion, i tried, i really did

    im happy to have found a support system of people who understand, im happy to have found people like me who i can resonate with, im happy for my boyfriend and im happy to have finally started to understand that im not broken, just made a little different and its okay

    im happy to have found a support system of people who understand, im happy to have found people like me who i can resonate with, im happy for my boyfriend and im happy to have finally started to understand that im not broken, just made a little different
and its okay

    new reference sheet meow meow

    new reference sheet meow meow

    based and ponypilled at work

    based and ponypilled at work

    new shark ref 2023!!!

    new shark ref 2023!!!