
    dialogue courtesy of https://t.co/IMhNCeI9Mq ✌️

    dialogue courtesy of https://t.co/IMhNCeI9Mq ✌️
    dialogue courtesy of https://t.co/IMhNCeI9Mq ✌️
    dialogue courtesy of https://t.co/IMhNCeI9Mq ✌️
    dialogue courtesy of https://t.co/IMhNCeI9Mq ✌️

    can you tell I'm excited about this game ?

    can you tell I'm excited about this game ?

    at this point you're gonna see all of it before it's done, but idc, it's fun

    at this point you're gonna see all of it before it's done, but idc, it's fun

    saw a video by ABD Illustrates where he redrew a manga page and thought it looked like fun ! I was obsessed with Fruits Basket (by Natsuki Takaya) as a wee child, so I wanted to stay true to the anime look of the page while redrawing it in my own style ✨

    saw a video by ABD Illustrates where he redrew a manga page and thought it looked like fun ! I was obsessed with Fruits Basket (by Natsuki Takaya) as a wee child, so I wanted to stay true to the anime look of the page while redrawing it in my own style ✨
    saw a video by ABD Illustrates where he redrew a manga page and thought it looked like fun ! I was obsessed with Fruits Basket (by Natsuki Takaya) as a wee child, so I wanted to stay true to the anime look of the page while redrawing it in my own style ✨

    1/3 - Sketch and lineart

    1/3 - Sketch and lineart
    1/3 - Sketch and lineart