Anaïs Flogny@hakunette

    Is this trend still a thing? The sketch The final

    Is this trend still a thing?
The sketch                                    The final
    Is this trend still a thing?
The sketch                                    The final
    Anaïs Flogny@hakunette

    Flowers and love softly bloom when spring arise ?

    Flowers and love softly bloom when spring arise ?
    Flowers and love softly bloom when spring arise ?
    Flowers and love softly bloom when spring arise ?
    Flowers and love softly bloom when spring arise ?
    Anaïs Flogny@hakunette

    Hello I'm joining this

    Hello I'm joining this
    Anaïs Flogny@hakunette

    Béatrice protecc

    Béatrice protecc
    Anaïs Flogny@hakunette

    Little warmup sketch of Five, a character I've never introduced but love a lot

    Little warmup sketch of Five, a character I've never introduced but love a lot