Lexie's Doodles@LexiesDoodles

    Actually on the topic of who my favorite to draw is I wanted to compare who I find easy to draw vs who's actually my faves and hmmm, interesting (also know my faves are never consistant besides the top 3 I did a tier list a month ago and it looks entirely different)

    Actually on the topic of who my favorite to draw is I wanted to compare who I find easy to draw vs who's actually my faves and hmmm, interesting
 (also know my faves are never consistant besides the top 3 I did a tier list a month ago and it looks entirely different)
    Lexie's Doodles@LexiesDoodles

    Want to draw but not going to try linearting without this tablet for anything but commissions (commission me) also very specific height headcanon time (no i dont care they're the ones with canon heights i choose)

    Want to draw but not going to try linearting without this tablet for anything but commissions (commission me)

also very specific height headcanon time (no i dont care they're the ones with canon heights i choose)
    Lexie's Doodles@LexiesDoodles


    Lexie's Doodles@LexiesDoodles

    28. "this isn't a tumblr post" does it look like I care view my daughter

"this isn't a tumblr post"
does it look like I care view my daughter
    Lexie's Doodles@LexiesDoodles

    Besties (romantic) / heartsoulshipping

    Besties (romantic) / heartsoulshipping