saba sabaton@sabato__n

    Finished the cover for OUJ chapter 9, "Wish I Were"! I borrowed from Eorzean mythology for this one. Can you see it? (It's not subtle)

    Finished the cover for OUJ chapter 9, "Wish I Were"!

I borrowed from Eorzean mythology for this one. Can you see it? (It's not subtle)
    saba sabaton@sabato__n

    saba sabaton@sabato__n

    saba sabaton@sabato__n

    Our Unending Journey Volume 1 has been restocked!💥 Please be sure to read the info and fill in your shipping information correctly! (Some people put their phone number in the wrong field last time. Autofill doesn't really like it.) #OurJourneyFFXIV

    Our Unending Journey Volume 1 has been restocked!💥

Please be sure to read the info and fill in your shipping information correctly! (Some people put their phone number in the wrong field last time. Autofill doesn't really like it.)

    Our Unending Journey Volume 1 has been restocked!💥

Please be sure to read the info and fill in your shipping information correctly! (Some people put their phone number in the wrong field last time. Autofill doesn't really like it.)

    saba sabaton@sabato__n

    something something when you emerge from your room to get food

    something something when you emerge from your room to get food