alex !!!@wandydoodles

    This is his villain origin story #deltarune

    This is his villain origin story
    This is his villain origin story
    This is his villain origin story
    alex !!!@wandydoodles

    I'm currently trying out new drawing softwares for the first time in... forever i think??? I've been using the same one since i started drawing a year and a half ago so it feels a bit weird xD I'm getting used to it though. Made a little Susie doodle (ignore Basil)

    I'm currently trying out new drawing softwares for the first time in... forever i think???
I've been using the same one since i started drawing a year and a half ago so it feels a bit weird xD
I'm getting used to it though.
Made a little Susie doodle (ignore Basil)
    alex !!!@wandydoodles

    ♪ Finding a dodo bird, Painting a continent Or driving your sister insane! ♪ #Animaniacs

    ♪ Finding a dodo bird,
Painting a continent 
Or driving your sister insane! ♪
    ♪ Finding a dodo bird,
Painting a continent 
Or driving your sister insane! ♪
    alex !!!@wandydoodles

    I don't want to show my face on here yet, but this was the year i started drawing (regularly)!! I met a lot of amazing people thanks to stuff like TGAMM and DR Chapter 2 and I'm so happy to be able to do what i like. >•< #artvsartist2022

    I don't want to show my face on here yet, but this was the year i started drawing (regularly)!! I met a lot of amazing people thanks to stuff like TGAMM and DR Chapter 2 and I'm so happy to be able to do what i like. >•<
    alex !!!@wandydoodles

    #DELTARUNE x #DontHugMeImScared ?? So um.,.., Remember the loop/reset theory of Deltarune? Yeah... (1/3)

    #DELTARUNE x #DontHugMeImScared ??
So um.,..,
Remember the loop/reset theory of Deltarune? Yeah...
    #DELTARUNE x #DontHugMeImScared ??
So um.,..,
Remember the loop/reset theory of Deltarune? Yeah...
    #DELTARUNE x #DontHugMeImScared ??
So um.,..,
Remember the loop/reset theory of Deltarune? Yeah...

