With school rearing its ugly head Zug may take a bit longer than I first thought, In the mean time however maybe have some concept art for brand new cave peoples perhaps
Trying to think of names for these dudes, any Ideas? https://t.co/RGLwfoE6oM
Those are some... Angry Birds™ https://t.co/fSjNSSF03a
How I imagine an interaction between Topher and Gandhi would play out
Dr. Mouse(bites)
Truffles is a character from the Peanuts comics who only showed up a few times in the 70s and in the show, which adapted the strips into episodes. She's also one of the few Peanuts characters to have irises, making her kind of look like a Moomin character.
I love the way Schulz drew teenagers, so goofy and lanky compared to the usual kids.