🌸 (COMMS OPEN)@artificialpocky

    // trec don't look three years of doing steven universe art has all led up to this

    // trec don't look

three years of doing steven universe art has all led up to this
    🌸 (COMMS OPEN)@artificialpocky

    took this image but made it oddly specific to animation ideas

    took this image but made it oddly specific to animation ideas
    🌸 (COMMS OPEN)@artificialpocky

    I like riddle school

    I like riddle school
    🌸 (COMMS OPEN)@artificialpocky

    better introduction for my blasesona she actually has a name this time #blaseball

    better introduction for my blasesona she actually has a name this time #blaseball
    🌸 (COMMS OPEN)@artificialpocky

    cabby iii , steve cobs ment // asking for your consideration on this theory https://t.co/YWZv41r1oK

    cabby iii , steve cobs ment //
asking for your consideration on this theory https://t.co/YWZv41r1oK