Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Kinda was debating on posting/not posting art during the current state of everything. But just because it's been a very positive thing in my life, here's some WIP from my class. I really love working on character design

    Kinda was debating on posting/not posting art during the current state of everything. 
But just because it's been a very positive thing in my life, here's some WIP from my class. I really love working on character design
    Kinda was debating on posting/not posting art during the current state of everything. 
But just because it's been a very positive thing in my life, here's some WIP from my class. I really love working on character design
    Kinda was debating on posting/not posting art during the current state of everything. 
But just because it's been a very positive thing in my life, here's some WIP from my class. I really love working on character design
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Hey! I updated my webcomic! Please check it out! ??? (WEBTOONS):https://t.co/qXE2xbsBYA (TAPAS): https://t.co/GgqKPcQpBM

    Hey! I updated my webcomic! Please check it out! ???

(TAPAS): https://t.co/GgqKPcQpBM
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    AND MORE by my lovely friends @acolusart and @artsy__ari ?

    AND MORE by my lovely friends @acolusart and @artsy__ari  ?
    AND MORE by my lovely friends @acolusart and @artsy__ari  ?
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Drawing kids can be fun sometimes

    Drawing kids can be fun sometimes
    Drawing kids can be fun sometimes
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Same page 2020-2019 Feel kinda embarrassed whenever I show my old art online like this, but it's nice to see how my style's changed and I've gotten more comfortable with it lately.

    Same page 2020-2019 
Feel kinda embarrassed whenever I show my old art online like this, but it's nice to see how my style's changed and I've gotten more comfortable with it lately.
    Same page 2020-2019 
Feel kinda embarrassed whenever I show my old art online like this, but it's nice to see how my style's changed and I've gotten more comfortable with it lately.