Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Let me draw more fantasy please. Especially YA ? Some pages from a pitch I did with @jasonthinks over the summer.

    Let me draw more fantasy please. Especially YA ?

Some pages from a pitch I did with @jasonthinks over the summer.
    Let me draw more fantasy please. Especially YA ?

Some pages from a pitch I did with @jasonthinks over the summer.
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    One of my fav page sequences from when I was doing my webcomic

    One of my fav page sequences from when I was doing my webcomic
    One of my fav page sequences from when I was doing my webcomic
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    lymphoma sketchies, not sure if I feel like coloring this one

    lymphoma sketchies, not sure if I feel like coloring this one
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Feels amazing to slowly dip back into drawing comics

    Feels amazing to slowly dip back into drawing comics
    Emily Pearson@emilypearsonart

    Gonna take some time to make a buffer and finish treatment before releasing pages but I've been working on my webcomic again. ?

    Gonna take some time to make a buffer and finish treatment before releasing pages but I've been working on my webcomic again. ?