dev !!!@okidokidev

    i have thought about kappa mikey a non-zero amount today thanks to a certain somebody i know

    i have thought about kappa mikey a non-zero amount today thanks to a certain somebody i know
    dev !!!@okidokidev

    "thank you savior of ishgard for lending your aid to our restoration efforts!" no problem i'm definitely doing all this crafting for ishgard and no other reason

    "thank you savior of ishgard for lending your aid to our restoration efforts!" no problem i'm definitely doing all this crafting for ishgard and no other reason
    dev !!!@okidokidev

    2. If you asked me before Shadowbringers my answer would've been Bard but I've not really been vibing with it this expac, and I don't have anything else at 80 besides WHM. I'm leveling Dragoon right now and having fun so there's that!

    2. If you asked me before Shadowbringers my answer would've been Bard but I've not really been vibing with it this expac, and I don't have anything else at 80 besides WHM. I'm leveling Dragoon right now and having fun so there's that!
    dev !!!@okidokidev

    3. I didn't really craft much until this expansion and more specifically today's patch because damn that is free exp. I don't know if I'd say I have a favorite one but I'm leveling Weaver first so I guess that's it

    3. I didn't really craft much until this expansion and more specifically today's patch because damn that is free exp. I don't know if I'd say I have a favorite one but I'm leveling Weaver first so I guess that's it
    dev !!!@okidokidev

    5. I don't personally use any add-ons but one of my fave resources is xivanalysis so I guess it's tangentially related

    5. I don't personally use any add-ons but one of my fave resources is xivanalysis so I guess it's tangentially related