#artpostor huh? Ok here's some bragging 😤 - I can render really well - I am good at translating other's visions - My characters are expressive - And my comic work is pretty solid despite me just getting started recently

    #artpostor huh? Ok here's some bragging 😤
- I can render really well
- I am good at translating other's visions
- My characters are expressive
- And my comic work is pretty solid despite me just getting started recently
    #artpostor huh? Ok here's some bragging 😤
- I can render really well
- I am good at translating other's visions
- My characters are expressive
- And my comic work is pretty solid despite me just getting started recently
    #artpostor huh? Ok here's some bragging 😤
- I can render really well
- I am good at translating other's visions
- My characters are expressive
- And my comic work is pretty solid despite me just getting started recently
    #artpostor huh? Ok here's some bragging 😤
- I can render really well
- I am good at translating other's visions
- My characters are expressive
- And my comic work is pretty solid despite me just getting started recently

    Soo what if I kept on using all my brain capacity for this edgy bastard?

    Soo what if I kept on using all my brain capacity for this edgy bastard?

    I'm in such a weird mood where I want to do everything and nothing. At least I can't concentrate on what I'm supposed to do 🙄 anyway here's more sappy shit

    I'm in such a weird mood where I want to do everything and nothing. At least I can't concentrate on what I'm supposed to do 🙄 anyway here's more sappy shit



    QRT with your artistic range https://t.co/qlKk8jkuuN

    QRT with your artistic range https://t.co/qlKk8jkuuN
    QRT with your artistic range https://t.co/qlKk8jkuuN
    QRT with your artistic range https://t.co/qlKk8jkuuN
    QRT with your artistic range https://t.co/qlKk8jkuuN