Some finished pages of Psikologis Imran where I used 3d assets and thought to myself: "Wow that angle is so wrong" "But who's gonna repair it" "Ah, crap it gon' be me" "That perspective is CORRECT NOTHING TO SEE HERE PEOPLE MOVE ALONG"
"Nek Han can't draw shoes" And you are right. Shoes belong on your feet not inside the comic panels.
Henlo, which one of these exudes the best✨Psychologist✨ vibe? I made a poll in the comment, feel free to cast your votes and tell me cough, why you like that cover cough🥺 Thanks! (Cats not included; that's just me sticking on some free stickers, believe me I behaved this time)
The Palestinians are the strongest people on earth. From the River to the Sea,
I named them both Eggtart btw #HonkaiStarRail
My experience in #HonkaiStarRail so far
Don't mess with Sarawak ladies.
Two goblins trying to out-goblin each other #HonkaiStarRail
This is the year of me drawing some really bad bitches. Happy New Year 🌸👁👄👁🫶✨ #artvsartist2022 #artistwrapped2022
Borak dengan member tanya, betulke Mat Kilau kata 'Kerisku yang menyilau, akulah Mat kilau' betul weh. dia tak tipu. I THOUGHT IT WAS A JOKE. IT SOUNDS SO STUPID. so i made this. Read from right to left like a manga
Na-na-na... NADIM!? MY BOY YOU---🫂 you grew up so fast 😭 #nirnama2