
    Alt version cause I legitimately forgot Mario-hat wasn't Cappy's regular form till I was about to post xddd

    Alt version cause I legitimately forgot Mario-hat wasn't Cappy's regular form till I was about to post xddd
    Alt version cause I legitimately forgot Mario-hat wasn't Cappy's regular form till I was about to post xddd

    Y'all asked for this 👀

    Y'all asked for this 👀

    Reposting art without permission of the artist is already scummy af but acting like the artist is being selfish and/or having an ego for asking for it to be taken down? Super ass move. Especially shameful coming from a grown ass man. DO BETTER. ACTÚA MEJOR.

    Reposting art without permission of the artist is already scummy af but acting like the artist is being selfish and/or having an ego for asking for it to be taken down? Super ass move. Especially shameful coming from a grown ass man. 
    Reposting art without permission of the artist is already scummy af but acting like the artist is being selfish and/or having an ego for asking for it to be taken down? Super ass move. Especially shameful coming from a grown ass man. 

    I've committed impulsive hair yeet 💇🏻

    I've committed impulsive hair yeet 💇🏻
    I've committed impulsive hair yeet 💇🏻
    I've committed impulsive hair yeet 💇🏻
    I've committed impulsive hair yeet 💇🏻

    So yeah, no humans anywhere in ancient Toad society and hierarchy. Why are they RULING now? My guess: colonialism, war, injustice. It's been so long most everyone is just fine with it now, but it doesn't mean it's fair. Toads need to rise. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    So yeah, no humans anywhere in ancient Toad society and hierarchy. Why are they RULING now? 
My guess: colonialism, war, injustice. It's been so long most everyone is just fine with it now, but it doesn't mean it's fair. Toads need to rise. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
    So yeah, no humans anywhere in ancient Toad society and hierarchy. Why are they RULING now? 
My guess: colonialism, war, injustice. It's been so long most everyone is just fine with it now, but it doesn't mean it's fair. Toads need to rise. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.