bo ಠ_ಠ@poprocksbabie

    old stupids

    old stupids
    old stupids
    bo ಠ_ಠ@poprocksbabie

    finals week beating my ass take this oldie

    finals week beating my ass take this oldie
    bo ಠ_ಠ@poprocksbabie

    drew this on my 583562464857748347th soul eater rewatch

    drew this on my 583562464857748347th soul eater rewatch
    bo ಠ_ಠ@poprocksbabie

    #bnhaspoilers honestly i still get just a little sad that this wasn't the real translation bc it's so real

    #bnhaspoilers honestly i still get just a little sad that this wasn't the real translation bc it's so real
    bo ಠ_ಠ@poprocksbabie

    nobas in a separate post bc they're my new treasures

    nobas in a separate post bc they're my new treasures
    nobas in a separate post bc they're my new treasures
    nobas in a separate post bc they're my new treasures