tako 🐙@kaorusakurabas


    tako 🐙@kaorusakurabas

    good evening takolings TGIF, like what the youngins would say these days

    good evening takolings

TGIF, like what the youngins would say these days
    good evening takolings

TGIF, like what the youngins would say these days
    good evening takolings

TGIF, like what the youngins would say these days
    tako 🐙@kaorusakurabas

    hello oomfs on the tako timeline

    hello oomfs on the tako timeline
    hello oomfs on the tako timeline
    hello oomfs on the tako timeline
    hello oomfs on the tako timeline
    tako 🐙@kaorusakurabas

    me and the oomfies intense discussing growing stars like its gonna come out next week

    me and the oomfies intense discussing growing stars like its gonna come out next week
    tako 🐙@kaorusakurabas

    "This time we'll be the ones handing out the trophies, but one day we'll be the ones receiving them! Let's grab the top of the idol world in our hands! Mizuki-chan and I have vowed to do so!"

    "This time we'll be the ones handing out the trophies, but one day we'll be the ones receiving them! Let's grab the top of the idol world in our hands!
Mizuki-chan and I have vowed to do so!"
    "This time we'll be the ones handing out the trophies, but one day we'll be the ones receiving them! Let's grab the top of the idol world in our hands!
Mizuki-chan and I have vowed to do so!"