★ GH0ST ★@Ghosttb0yy

    I will ATTEMPT to draw tonight- will it happen? Who Knows but in the meantime here's doodles of me :D

    I will ATTEMPT to draw tonight- 

will it happen? Who Knows but in the meantime here's doodles of me :D
    ★ GH0ST ★@Ghosttb0yy

    Beeduo sketch im too lazy to finish :') maybe it'll get finish one day JDJDHD

    Beeduo sketch im too lazy to finish :') maybe it'll get finish one day JDJDHD
    ★ GH0ST ★@Ghosttb0yy

    Beeduo wipppppp (don't rt)

    Beeduo wipppppp (don't rt)
    ★ GH0ST ★@Ghosttb0yy

    Cleaning these lines is So Annoying but looks so Nice~

    Cleaning these lines is So Annoying but looks so Nice~
    ★ GH0ST ★@Ghosttb0yy

    This is as far as I'm getting tonight o7 did George and about half of Dream :D Feeling tired so I'll head to bed now and start again tomorrow! Night!! (DONT RT) https://t.co/ZzYiWpCcp1

    This is as far as I'm getting tonight o7 did George and about half of Dream :D
Feeling tired so I'll head to bed now and start again tomorrow!

(DONT RT) https://t.co/ZzYiWpCcp1