Monster Garden is my largest OCs collection. The story follows an underground war between gangs formed by people against a corrupted government with side stories about artificial humans searching for their own humanity.
Gaps is a series of stories about closing the distance. It's about children who grew up too fast, and in their adulthood, try to fill the gaps in their childhood. It's about immortals coming to terms with decay, and humans coming to terms with the infinite.
Sanguine, God Variable, and Tropic Snow is a story about war. The Islands is a story about a post-war utopia/dystopia, and Nightingale's Songs is about healing from the traumas you were too young to understand.
Dollhouse is about breaking the mold and learning to be more than what you were made to be. Limbo is about the slow process of healing. Conqueror's Curse is about ruthless gods learning humanity. The Way Home and Labyrinth are stories about finding home after all is lost.