ball 🌞@manaohu

    longtime fan of rpgcomic espera, never done fanart until now fsr. well late night sketch log

    longtime fan of rpgcomic espera, never done fanart until now fsr. well late night sketch log
    ball 🌞@manaohu

    i miss drawing and i wanna do some sketches!

    i miss drawing and i wanna do some sketches!
    ball 🌞@manaohu

    so maybe youve noticed Im not as active recently. everything kind of toppling into hell right now but Ill still be posting drawings if I make them, I just might not see notifs. orders will still be sent out regularly!

    so maybe youve noticed Im not as active recently. everything kind of toppling into hell right now but Ill still be posting drawings if I make them, I just might not see notifs. orders will still be sent out regularly!
    ball 🌞@manaohu

    ball 🌞@manaohu
