rwina ✧@renuons

    i freaking love this brush

    i freaking love this brush
    rwina ✧@renuons

    my favorite kaeyas from 2022 #artsummary

    my favorite kaeyas from 2022 #artsummary
    rwina ✧@renuons

    rwina ✧@renuons

    my head hurts that was too much like actually im not used to this much kaeya i need an anvil dropped on my head with a very loud bonk sfx

    my head hurts that was too much like actually im not used to this much kaeya i need an anvil dropped on my head with a very loud bonk sfx
    rwina ✧@renuons

    if having his hands crossed was illegal he would be in jail for life

    if having his hands crossed was illegal he would be in jail for life
    if having his hands crossed was illegal he would be in jail for life
    if having his hands crossed was illegal he would be in jail for life
    if having his hands crossed was illegal he would be in jail for life