Marshall Migraine@ArtMigraine

    I will not elaborate to avoid major sandman spoilers but this panel from the dreaming 1996 exists and I will never find peace

    I will not elaborate to avoid major sandman spoilers but this panel from the dreaming 1996 exists and I will never find peace
    Marshall Migraine@ArtMigraine


    Marshall Migraine@ArtMigraine

    a Halloween themed comic? in the middle of January? more likely than you think

    a Halloween themed comic? in the middle of January? more likely than you think
    a Halloween themed comic? in the middle of January? more likely than you think
    a Halloween themed comic? in the middle of January? more likely than you think
    a Halloween themed comic? in the middle of January? more likely than you think
    Marshall Migraine@ArtMigraine

    I'm newly jоbless so I'm opening emergency cooms (5 slots) to affоrd my antidepressants and stay sane 🥴 since a lot of people don't have a DM button anymore you can fill a google form in the thread below and I'll contact you 👌

    I'm newly jоbless so I'm opening emergency cooms (5 slots) to affоrd my antidepressants and stay sane 🥴
since a lot of people don't have a DM button anymore you can fill a google form in the thread below and I'll contact you 👌
    I'm newly jоbless so I'm opening emergency cooms (5 slots) to affоrd my antidepressants and stay sane 🥴
since a lot of people don't have a DM button anymore you can fill a google form in the thread below and I'll contact you 👌
    I'm newly jоbless so I'm opening emergency cooms (5 slots) to affоrd my antidepressants and stay sane 🥴
since a lot of people don't have a DM button anymore you can fill a google form in the thread below and I'll contact you 👌
    I'm newly jоbless so I'm opening emergency cooms (5 slots) to affоrd my antidepressants and stay sane 🥴
since a lot of people don't have a DM button anymore you can fill a google form in the thread below and I'll contact you 👌
    Marshall Migraine@ArtMigraine

    с0mmission for @thinker_109 this was fun!

    с0mmission for @thinker_109 
this was fun!