Bonus: After concer giving autographs

    Bonus: After concer giving autographs

    Okay so I did this like a few months ago and I never finished it and I don't remember where I wanted to go with this ;c;

    Okay so I did this like a few months ago and I never finished it and I don't remember where I wanted to go with this ;c;
    Okay so I did this like a few months ago and I never finished it and I don't remember where I wanted to go with this ;c;
    Okay so I did this like a few months ago and I never finished it and I don't remember where I wanted to go with this ;c;

    6 months ago @anticular changed my life and I will be forever grateful for that. I've never met someone so warm, compassionate and big hearted as he is. No matter how many times I fall and fail he's always there to pick me up. Gosh how do I ever repay for that...

    6 months ago @anticular changed my life and I will be forever grateful for that.
I've never met someone so warm, compassionate and big hearted as he is.
No matter how many times I fall and fail he's always there to pick me up.
Gosh how do I ever repay for that...

    My hand hurts like hell but I've sketched 5 first pages of this Fluttercord comic I am SO hyped for this jeez And will probably never finish it like everything I start >:v

    My hand hurts like hell but I've sketched 5 first pages of this Fluttercord comic
I am SO hyped for this jeez
And will probably never finish it like everything I start >:v
    My hand hurts like hell but I've sketched 5 first pages of this Fluttercord comic
I am SO hyped for this jeez
And will probably never finish it like everything I start >:v
    My hand hurts like hell but I've sketched 5 first pages of this Fluttercord comic
I am SO hyped for this jeez
And will probably never finish it like everything I start >:v
    My hand hurts like hell but I've sketched 5 first pages of this Fluttercord comic
I am SO hyped for this jeez
And will probably never finish it like everything I start >:v
