Prints from @_saowee and @nokomento from Makersquest!! They were so sweet and their art so tasty 🥹💖

    Prints from @_saowee and @nokomento from Makersquest!! They were so sweet and their art so tasty 🥹💖

    Astarion is just a smug cat and no one can change my mind about that >:)

    Astarion is just a smug cat and no one can change my mind about that >:)
    Astarion is just a smug cat and no one can change my mind about that >:)

    HC of when Gale experiences the phenomena of✨Girl Dinner✨with his campmates on the night of their first long rest together... ( He offers to cook Gale Dinner every night after that)

    HC of when Gale experiences the phenomena of✨Girl Dinner✨with his campmates on the night of their first long rest together... 

( He offers to cook Gale Dinner every night after that)

    Save me yeehawstarion save me...

    Save me yeehawstarion save me...

