And here is to a project i'm going to take 3 years to finish

    And here is to a project i'm going to take 3 years to finish
    And here is to a project i'm going to take 3 years to finish

    I suddenly remembered my witch au and went to doodle them

    I suddenly remembered my witch au and went to doodle them

    Ignore the character discourse, look at him instead

    Ignore the character discourse, look at him instead

    I've been toying around with the idea of each emperors being gods of their own lands (and a lil bit more) #EmpiresSMPfanart

    I've been toying around with the idea of each emperors being gods of their own lands (and a lil bit more)

    I've been toying around with the idea of each emperors being gods of their own lands (and a lil bit more)


    Happy Friday #smallishbeansfanart

    Happy Friday 
