

    The inspirations to design Pyramid Head was this WW2 German tank (the left one) and Russian avant-garde. But I already knew that "Rammtiger" before I designed PH, so that might be one of inspirations. The design was based on the right image, tho.

    The inspirations to design Pyramid Head was this WW2 German tank (the left one) and Russian avant-garde. But I already knew that "Rammtiger" before I designed PH, so that might be one of inspirations. The design was based on the right image, tho.
    The inspirations to design Pyramid Head was this WW2 German tank (the left one) and Russian avant-garde. But I already knew that "Rammtiger" before I designed PH, so that might be one of inspirations. The design was based on the right image, tho.

    Sketch Final

    Sketch                                          Final
    Sketch                                          Final

    Happy New Year 2022 ( A creature concept sketch I drew in 2017 ) 明けましておめでとうございます。

    Happy New Year 2022
( A creature concept sketch I drew in 2017 )


    整理してたら出て来たけど、この頃、幡池裕行さんの描くスタイルの女性が大好きで、一生懸命模写したなぁ。 Illuminated by Hiroyuki Hataike. I used to draw tracings of his good lady drawings to practice illustrating, before entering an art university.

Illuminated by Hiroyuki Hataike. I used to draw tracings of his good lady drawings to practice illustrating, before entering an art university.