couple of my oc drawings boy w/ brown hair - oliver (virgo), jellyfish boy - nex (pisces)

    couple of my oc drawings 
boy w/ brown hair - oliver (virgo), jellyfish boy - nex (pisces)
    couple of my oc drawings 
boy w/ brown hair - oliver (virgo), jellyfish boy - nex (pisces)
    couple of my oc drawings 
boy w/ brown hair - oliver (virgo), jellyfish boy - nex (pisces)
    couple of my oc drawings 
boy w/ brown hair - oliver (virgo), jellyfish boy - nex (pisces)

    ma girl virgo the goddess who has terrible sense of colors, and lucas whos a libra

    ma girl virgo the goddess who has terrible sense of colors, and lucas whos a libra
    ma girl virgo the goddess who has terrible sense of colors, and lucas whos a libra
    ma girl virgo the goddess who has terrible sense of colors, and lucas whos a libra

    q au where jisung went back to malaysia for a quick vacation but ended up being stuck there for the time being #minsung

    q au where jisung went back to malaysia for a quick vacation but ended up being stuck there for the time being 

    q au where jisung went back to malaysia for a quick vacation but ended up being stuck there for the time being 


    gdi i forgot to put the call filters on jisung ?

    gdi i forgot to put the call filters on jisung ?

    stole this from @ toatsea ;; apparently ive drawn 23 mingos (not including sketches and multiple people per page counts as one)

    stole this from @ toatsea ;; apparently ive drawn 23 mingos 

(not including sketches and multiple people per page counts as one)