// ctubbo hurt And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am the witness watching it. #tubbofanart #dsmp

    // ctubbo hurt

And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am the witness watching it.

#tubbofanart #dsmp
    // ctubbo hurt

And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am the witness watching it.

#tubbofanart #dsmp
    // ctubbo hurt

And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am the witness watching it.

#tubbofanart #dsmp
    // ctubbo hurt

And I am the fire, and I am the forest, and I am the witness watching it.

#tubbofanart #dsmp

    pen doodles from class goddamn i love ballpoint pens

    pen doodles from class goddamn i love ballpoint pens

    messed up his tattoo whoops! anyways if you know who this is you need therapy

    messed up his tattoo whoops! anyways if you know who this is you need therapy

    This took longer than I want to admit, anyways here's the obligatory coffee shop au for late day 4 of renga week! #RengaWeek2022 #renga #rengafanart #SK8THEINFINITY #rekikyan #langahasegawa #miyachinen

    This took longer than I want to admit, anyways here's the obligatory coffee shop au for late day 4 of renga week!
#RengaWeek2022 #renga #rengafanart #SK8THEINFINITY #rekikyan #langahasegawa #miyachinen
    This took longer than I want to admit, anyways here's the obligatory coffee shop au for late day 4 of renga week!
#RengaWeek2022 #renga #rengafanart #SK8THEINFINITY #rekikyan #langahasegawa #miyachinen

    matchablossom dumbassery for your day <3 #SK8THEINFINITY #SK8エスケーエイト #matchablossom #matchablossomfanart

    matchablossom dumbassery for your day <3
#SK8THEINFINITY #SK8エスケーエイト #matchablossom #matchablossomfanart

