Florist Xie@PujiGarden

    Florist Xie@PujiGarden

    Florist Xie@PujiGarden

    [Behind the Scene] This is the very first sketch i did, trying to find out, what PujiGarden looked like. It was back in February 2020.

    [Behind the Scene]
This is the very first sketch i did, trying to find out, what PujiGarden looked like. It was back in February 2020.
    Florist Xie@PujiGarden

    [Behind the scene] Xie Lian DID have a hat at some point, at least in my sketches. Where do YOU think he should find it?

    [Behind the scene]
Xie Lian DID have a hat at some point, at least in my sketches. Where do YOU think he should find it?
    Florist Xie@PujiGarden

    [Behind the Scene] Some early sketches of Fafa. As you can see, I based his hair and head around a triangular shape. Also, this one random sketch of Xie Lian scolding Fafa for smoking.

    [Behind the Scene]
Some early sketches of Fafa. As you can see, I based his hair and head around a triangular shape.
Also, this one random sketch of Xie Lian scolding Fafa for smoking.
    [Behind the Scene]
Some early sketches of Fafa. As you can see, I based his hair and head around a triangular shape.
Also, this one random sketch of Xie Lian scolding Fafa for smoking.