bonus comic of the moment when you, a vague ass looking adult exchange glances with a mixed couple & their vague ass offspring, n' all parties get emotional just via eye contact, like yea, it will probably be hard for your child, but see? we can make it, we make it all the time

    bonus comic of the moment when you, a vague ass looking adult exchange glances with a mixed couple & their vague ass offspring, n' all parties get emotional just via eye contact, like yea, it will probably be hard for your child, but see? we can make it, we make it all the time

    slowly & shyly revealing some art from my first graphic novel pitch I finished last week... ✨ it's been a balm to the soul to create a story that means so much to me, and w a lead of black & indigenous descent ? here are the 3 central characters, I love them with all of me

    slowly & shyly revealing some art from my first graphic novel pitch I finished last week... ✨ 
it's been a balm to the soul to create a story that means so much to me, and w a lead of black & indigenous descent ? 
here are the 3 central characters, I love them with all of me
    slowly & shyly revealing some art from my first graphic novel pitch I finished last week... ✨ 
it's been a balm to the soul to create a story that means so much to me, and w a lead of black & indigenous descent ? 
here are the 3 central characters, I love them with all of me
    slowly & shyly revealing some art from my first graphic novel pitch I finished last week... ✨ 
it's been a balm to the soul to create a story that means so much to me, and w a lead of black & indigenous descent ? 
here are the 3 central characters, I love them with all of me

    hello & happy may day from Proletariat Pug (cw: gore, child labor / slavery) made this barely 2 years ago & it's incredible how much worse the wealth gap, ecological destruction and global politics have become in just that time. we really got nothing to lose but our chains.

    hello & happy may day from Proletariat Pug 
(cw: gore, child labor / slavery) made this barely 2 years ago & it's incredible how much worse the wealth gap, ecological destruction and global politics have become in just that time. 
we really got nothing to lose but our chains.
    hello & happy may day from Proletariat Pug 
(cw: gore, child labor / slavery) made this barely 2 years ago & it's incredible how much worse the wealth gap, ecological destruction and global politics have become in just that time. 
we really got nothing to lose but our chains.
    hello & happy may day from Proletariat Pug 
(cw: gore, child labor / slavery) made this barely 2 years ago & it's incredible how much worse the wealth gap, ecological destruction and global politics have become in just that time. 
we really got nothing to lose but our chains.
    hello & happy may day from Proletariat Pug 
(cw: gore, child labor / slavery) made this barely 2 years ago & it's incredible how much worse the wealth gap, ecological destruction and global politics have become in just that time. 
we really got nothing to lose but our chains.

    i just need to say that I love golden kamuy so much & can't believe the manga is on it's final arc 😭 first series I've ever known to not shy away from imperialism & indigenous struggle 🥺 Sugimoto is truly the ideal man: silly n soft until he ain't... plus, politics on point 😂

    i just need to say that I love golden kamuy so much & can't believe the manga is on it's final arc 😭 first series I've ever known to not shy away from imperialism & indigenous struggle 🥺 Sugimoto is truly the ideal man: silly n soft until he ain't... plus, politics on point 😂
    i just need to say that I love golden kamuy so much & can't believe the manga is on it's final arc 😭 first series I've ever known to not shy away from imperialism & indigenous struggle 🥺 Sugimoto is truly the ideal man: silly n soft until he ain't... plus, politics on point 😂

    was going to limit this to my instagram story but it happened again last night and I... 🥲

    was going to limit this to my instagram story but it happened again last night and I... 🥲

