Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    Was away from the computer this weekend so here's the three #inktober days I did.

    Was away from the computer this weekend so here's the three #inktober days I did.
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    Busting the rest of my #Inktober nut for the 1st of November.

    Busting the rest of my #Inktober nut for the 1st of November.
    Busting the rest of my #Inktober nut for the 1st of November.
    Busting the rest of my #Inktober nut for the 1st of November.
    Busting the rest of my #Inktober nut for the 1st of November.
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    @konjak Haha It's a clip studio brush that I found on the assets page. A clipstudioofficial provided brush calllllled ->鉛筆R And just for good measure....wahpam! Also, thank you!

    @konjak Haha It's a clip studio brush that I found on the assets page. A clipstudioofficial provided brush calllllled ->鉛筆R
And just for good measure....wahpam! 
Also, thank you!
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    I really need to get myself a god damn, dude.

    I really need to get myself a god damn, dude.
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    Progress was made! #2009vs2019

    Progress was made! #2009vs2019