Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    Hokay, so I need to get better at drawing girls. So if y'all have any girl character suggestions I'm all ears

    Hokay, so I need to get better at drawing girls. So if y'all have any girl character suggestions I'm all ears
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    Ay Melty mood

    Ay Melty mood
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    One of the largest reasons I made this guy is because I wanted to make someone with modular arms

    One of the largest reasons I made this guy is because I wanted to make someone with modular arms
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    This is what personal drawing has been like the past few weeks

    This is what personal drawing has been like the past few weeks
    This is what personal drawing has been like the past few weeks
    This is what personal drawing has been like the past few weeks
    Donnie Durdunkleton@DonnieDurdunkle

    Going through my digital sketchbook and found some studies and paintings I like

    Going through my digital sketchbook and found some studies and paintings I like
    Going through my digital sketchbook and found some studies and paintings I like
    Going through my digital sketchbook and found some studies and paintings I like
    Going through my digital sketchbook and found some studies and paintings I like