mingjue helen chen@MingjueChen

    some sets don't get figured out to this level before production hits however, like Talon- which we designed basically per shot. I drew over pretty much the entire movie to set dress and define space, but none more so than Talon.

    some sets don't get figured out to this level before production hits however, like Talon- which we designed basically per shot. I drew over pretty much the entire movie to set dress and define space, but none more so than Talon.
    some sets don't get figured out to this level before production hits however, like Talon- which we designed basically per shot. I drew over pretty much the entire movie to set dress and define space, but none more so than Talon.
    mingjue helen chen@MingjueChen

    my thumbnails are completely useless to anyone but me

    my thumbnails are completely useless to anyone but me
    mingjue helen chen@MingjueChen

    Finished piece for @gallerynucleus silent auction organized by @victoriaying

    Finished piece for @gallerynucleus silent auction organized by @victoriaying
    mingjue helen chen@MingjueChen

    Does your saliva build up from not talking all day too

    Does your saliva build up from not talking all day too
    mingjue helen chen@MingjueChen

    I'm not a vegetation stuff but here's some fantasy vegetation stuff I did on raya I came across recently.

    I'm not a vegetation stuff but here's some fantasy vegetation stuff I did on raya I came across recently.
    I'm not a vegetation stuff but here's some fantasy vegetation stuff I did on raya I came across recently.


Kofi Ofosu@bRakustar01