crustacean 🇵🇸@lobsterlover

    i miss my tablet, so here's a bunch of weird things i drew with it a while ago all of them are a weirdass joke with someone i forced into watching clone high

    i miss my tablet, so here's a bunch of weird things i drew with it a while ago
all of them are a weirdass joke with someone i forced into watching clone high
    i miss my tablet, so here's a bunch of weird things i drew with it a while ago
all of them are a weirdass joke with someone i forced into watching clone high
    i miss my tablet, so here's a bunch of weird things i drew with it a while ago
all of them are a weirdass joke with someone i forced into watching clone high
    crustacean 🇵🇸@lobsterlover

    crustacean 🇵🇸@lobsterlover

    felt really called out by this one guy by @makeupaguy

    felt really called out by this one guy by @makeupaguy
    crustacean 🇵🇸@lobsterlover

    here he is i'm apologizing in advance if this is problematic i swear i didn't know

    here he is
i'm apologizing in advance
if this is problematic i swear i didn't know
    crustacean 🇵🇸@lobsterlover

    two random parts of my sketchbook for no particular reason. they just look cool

    two random parts of my sketchbook for no particular reason. they just look cool
    two random parts of my sketchbook for no particular reason. they just look cool