Yulia St🍑re OPEN@yuliapavlovsky

    He's finally here!!! #KurooTetsuro #kuroo #Haikyuu401 I know he can't wear leather shoes on the court but I find funny that he wears fancy-pants suit and volleyball sneakers

    He's finally here!!! 
#KurooTetsuro #kuroo #Haikyuu401 
I know he can't wear leather shoes on the court but I find funny that he wears fancy-pants suit and volleyball sneakers
    Yulia St🍑re OPEN@yuliapavlovsky

    If someone didn't notice

    If someone didn't notice
    Yulia St🍑re OPEN@yuliapavlovsky

    Spoiler‼️This is a very important moment for Kageyama, they were able to let go of old wounds, and although they didn't communicate closely for a long time, for Kags they remained important people. And the fact that Kindaichi was very worried was breaking my heart #Haikyuu401

    Spoiler‼️This is a very important moment for Kageyama, they were able to let go of old wounds, and although they didn't communicate closely for a long time, for Kags they remained important people.
And the fact that Kindaichi was very worried was breaking my heart #Haikyuu401
    Yulia St🍑re OPEN@yuliapavlovsky

    Kunimi was also worried, he always appeared in the scenes of a conversation between Kags and Kindaichi, but I think he was more worried about Kindaichi and always tried to support him. I think at this moment all three were able to really forgive each other and smile.

    Kunimi was also worried, he always appeared in the scenes of a conversation between Kags and Kindaichi, but I think he was more worried about Kindaichi and always tried to support him. I think at this moment all three were able to really forgive each other and smile.
    Yulia St🍑re OPEN@yuliapavlovsky

    Yaku: I want to defend in a way that breaks the opponent's heart #yaku #yakumorisuke My thoughts: https://t.co/z4tWr16v8K

    Yaku: I want to defend in a way that breaks the opponent's heart  #yaku #yakumorisuke
My thoughts: https://t.co/z4tWr16v8K

